We are seeking Alumni brothers who are interested in backfilling the Newsletter Chair and V.P. of Communications positions on the board. The Newsletter Chair is a cabiniet position for the V.P. of Communications and will be responsible for creating and distributing our newsletter twice per year. The V.P. of Communications is responsible for the communication [&hellip
At this year’s Summer Retreat Alumni Meeting, the outgoing AVC members announced the names of those Alumni who will replace them and serve two-year positions. The incoming members of the AVC are: Rob Bernadyn (’07), President; Calder Flynn (’03) and Dan Corey (’05), Vice Presidents of Finance and Fundraising; Mike Ossont (’07), Vice President of [&hellip
The AVC will meet this Wednesday, July 2nd, to discuss and finalize Rob’s tenative Summer Retreat Weekend agenda. If you have any suggestions, please provide them on the call
Members of the AVC hold two-year positions and are due to be replaced in March ’09. With that in mind, we’ll use the General Member meeting at this year’s